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Elliot Jones Drainage and Resiliency Project


Client: Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government

Contact: Gordon Dove, Former Parish President

Location: Gibson, Louisiana

Project Cost: $1,500,000

Complete: 2022


The Elliot Jones pump station currently under construction, and is located on the Elliot Jones Canal in Bayou Black. This pump station is the second of a series of three in Bayou Black and will consist of (4) 60” vertical axial flow pumps designed to discharge a maximum flow rate capacity of 1000 CFS. This pump station will ultimately discharge into the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) and will put the Chacahoula-Gibson Basin under forced drainage with the purpose of alleviating the basin of preexisting  ooding issues that cause excess storm water to accumulate during concentrated rainfall events. In addition, the (4) 60” pumps, other key design features include a braced flood-wall, tie-in levees, conveyance channel, (4) - 900 HP motors, (2) 1750 kW standby diesel generators, climate controlled electrical building, and a limestone access road.

YKH Consulting provided electrical/mechanical design and construction support of the new 1000 CFS pump station. Pump station design is fully electric utilizing (4) 900 HP vertical axial pumps and motors backed up by (2) 1,750 kW diesel generators. YKH assisted GIS with the design, bidding and management of construction on TPCG's behalf. YKH also provided construction management services inclusive of construction administration and construction inspections.

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